Home of a mother, wife, writer

Story a Day 2015

I will be posting my ~31 short stories for May 2015 here. Each one will have its own separate page under this main one.

5/1: Nolan: Leaving & Joining

I’d never really looked too much into why Nolan left college to join the Marine Corps. I did just that with this story. Also, reveal a bit of Nolan’s secret(that I’ve hinted at before), that at the moment(he’s about 20 here) he’s still uncomfortable and confused about.

5/2: Engagements

This is the story of Donovan and Chrissa’s(Adrian’s parents from the Flames series) engagement – told by Donovan’s younger brother. Based on some things that happen/are said in Flames of Renewal.

5/3: Rick

A non-fiction piece in memory of my father-in-law on his 62nd birthday.

5/4: A Hero’s Grief

Looking at today’s prompt(Heroes), I figured I’d write something featuring Mark or Nolan. They’re pretty heroic, former Marines turned firefighters. Instead I started writing about James Brooke, who was dealt a tough blow but manages to carry on. I think that could be the mark of a true hero. Warning: Mentions of death of a child and spouse.

5/5: Kurztown

Today’s prompt was setting, which is a detail I often struggle with. Wasn’t sure exactly what to do, but as I’m starting to brainstorm the next story in my Kurztown series, decided to go with something set there. Works even more since Patrick will be the main character in that one. *Warning for mentions of miscarriage and abuse

5/6: Collapse

Today’s prompt was to take a story from the headlines. Well, this actually happened just the other day right down the road from us. We were sitting outside and could hear the propane tank blow and saw the smoke from across the field.

5/7: The First Calling

James’ father takes him and his brother to a museum and he realizes what he wants to do when he grows up.

5/8: No Prince Charming

This is another one set in my Kurztown series.

5/9: Making a List

Maura makes preparations. This would happen during the events of Flames of Retribution(Mark’s story).

 5/10: A New Mother’s Day

5/11: A Bike Ride

Today’s prompt was to write about a memory. Well, I fictionalized mine. This actually did happen to me when I was just a little younger than Finn.

5/12: Wailing

5/13: Already Taken

Today’s prompt was to write a story that was exactly 100 words. First time through mine was 106 words. I thought this was going to be a lot harder than it was to get to 100.

5/14: What You Don’t Know

5/15: Maura

Takes over where Already Taken left off. From Maura’s POV.

5/16: You

Not very happy with this one. Prompt was to write in second person POV. Definitely not something I’ll make a habit of. Warning: mentions of abuse

5/17: Into the Sun

Decided to rewrite the start of a short story(possibly novella) from 1st to 3rd person. Definitely think the original will stay in 1st.

5/18: Back In Town

A bit of back story from Let It Begin(Kurztown 2.5) that involves all the main characters of that one from about 25-ish years in the past.

5/19: Not Your Mom

A bit of back story from the novella I’m just starting to work on. Told completely in dialogue.

5/20: Condolences & Consequences

More back story from Let It Begin. Warming: domestic abuse.

5/21: Art Show

A bit for Jace’s Story. Either back story or the beginning of that story.

5/22: Wasn’t the Same

Used a first line generator again for this one. A little piece from Let It Begin.

5/23: Into the Sun – Twitter Version

5/25: Coming Home

Fitting for Memorial Day, some back story for Nolan.

5/26: Good to be Home

Continuing the coming home theme, some back story for Patrick(Freeing His Heart)

5/27: Rylan

This is actually a bit on Patrick’s half-brother. Never did know too much about him before, but I may now have some ideas for his own story.

5/28: Tate

A little bit on Nolan’s big brother and some back story(or beginning of) Some Fools Never Learn.

5/29: It Would Be Fun

Some back story for Jace’s story, maybe even the beginning of it. Prompt was to write from back to front of the story.

5/30: No Artist

Some back story for Nolan’s brother, Kelan. Still figuring out what makes him tick.

5/31: Finding Cassandra

This takes place between scenes I wrote yesterday for Into the Sun. From a different POV.

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