Home of a mother, wife, writer

One more week until Christmas, and I just pulled our Christmas tree box out of the closet. It’s still laying here on the floor, yes with the tree still inside. I should actually get it up today, though. And hopefully the pup will leave it and the ornaments alone for the next week or so. I don’t usually leave it up too long after Christmas because I like having my house the way it is. Wednesday night we had the kids’ Christmas party at the fire station.

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Thursday school was cancelled due to the snow. I still managed to get a good bit done while the kids stayed home. Still, I was glad things got back to normal Friday. Yesterday, we had a friend’s daughter’s birthday party to go to(she’s also in the boy’s class). No more Christmas gatherings until this coming weekend. Thankfully we’ve managed to spread things out to one a day. So, we’ll celebrate with mother-in-law on Saturday, my family on Sunday, and husband’s stepmom and his siblings on Monday. It lessens the stress at least.

Now, as for my progress this week:

  • Write: 10000 words – 13607/10000 words. Ended up writing at least 2500 on each of the projects.
    • Defending the Heart – 3052 words – Even after that kiss, he couldn’t expect to get that smile again. That had just been a buildup of…what? Lust, frustration…something else? he didn’t know. But, he was sure it wouldn’t happen again. It shouldn’t happen again. It only led them along the same cycle they’d been repeating the last fifteen years. You’d think eventually they’d learn.
    • Crash and Burn – 2550 words – She made some sound in her throat, that he thought held some disgust to that, but didn’t say another word. He tried to make himself relax, but all he could keep thinking was that someone might want to hurt her.
      And he didn’t think he could take that. Especially if it was his fault.
    • Not Meant to Be – 2567 words – She thought she might be sick. How could he have left her something? He couldn’t know which apartment she was in, could he? And how would he have gotten in anyway? Suddenly Toby’s hands were on her shoulders, and she realized she was shaking. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight to him. One of the few places she’d always felt safe.
      And she broke.
    • Stay a Little Longer – 2858 words – “They didn’t invite you along?” Terrall asked before he could stop himself.
      Erik’s lips tipped up. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re really asking. And it’s not as much of an insult as you might think.”
      “I didn’t mean it like that. I swear. And it’s none of my business anyway.”
      “You’re right. And while I don’t mind sharing my personal business with anyone who shows even the slightest interest, I won’t share theirs.”
    • In the Moonlight – 2580 words – When I came back down, she was right there, grinning at me. “Still terrible,” I said, kissing her mouth. “But, I love your kind of terrible.”
  • Edit: Let It Begin – pre-revisions – I got through most of these. Still have to write up note cards for the different sections of revisions.
  • Plot: Loving the Devil – back stories – I finished these. In total it was about 3 pages for all three. These are pretty short for me, so I may learn quite a bit more about these characters as I wrote.
  • Side Projects – 2000 words – 2550 words
    • Midas’ Daughter – 557 words – “Calla, that isn’t for you to do.” It was the same thing her father had said, but this time there was softness in the words.
      “I know. But, none of you should have to deal with the aftereffects of his rages, either.”
      “We are paid for it. You aren’t. Instead you feel you need to pay for what he does.”
    • Dance with the Devil – 521 words – I rested my hand on his back right outside of the dining room. He glanced back over his shoulder and smiled at me. That smile held a whole lot of promise for later. I wasn’t sure quite how to act now, though. 
    • Snow White Twist – 567 words – To her horror, tears fell from her face and splashed on the hand she held. “Wake up, Eira. We didn’t go through all this just to lose you now. I won’t lose you,” she promised before pressing her lips to Eira’s.
    • Patrick & Sarah – 242 words – Patrick furrowed his brow at that. “I met one of her boys. He seemed like a sweet boy, if a little impetuous.”The clerk chuckled as he started to wrap up Patrick’s purchases. “Will. He certainly is. You’d think they came from different parents. His brother, Tommy, is the exact opposite. The son of Satan if I ever seen one,” he said before crossing himself.“He can’t be as bad as all that.” *Oh, Patrick, you’ll change your mind on that in the next 20 years.
    • Tavin & Haiwee – 276 words – He opened his mouth and nearly told him, but something held him back at the last minute. He didn’t want to tell him or [xx] about Haiwee. Certainly not yet at least. For now, he’d rather keep her, or at least the thought of her, to himself. 
    • Roman – 261 words – Was she still angry with him? It wouldn’t surprise him. Hell, he probably deserved it. He had been smothering, but he couldn’t bear to think of her in pain, physical or emotional. He just wanted her to be okay. He wanted them to be okay, and he wasn’t sure if they were.
    • Dougal & Shae – 126 words – Dougal almost laughed, though he guessed they’d said it for different reasons. And before he could, she turned to her brother. “And, really, Dev, you give yourself a lot more credit than you deserve. You’ve never been all that charming.”
  • Listen: Midnight Exposure(Melinda Leigh), Swamp Sniper(Jana DeLeon), & Gates of Thread and Stone(Lori M Lee) – I finished Midnight Exposure(enjoyed) Sunday and Swamp Sniper earlier this morning. I love this series. I started Gates of Thread and Stone but after the second chapter, I still wasn’t pulled into it, so I downloaded Winter(Marissa Meyer) and am already about 4.5/23.5 hours into it. Really enjoying it.
  • Read: Finish Sweet Little Lies(Jill Shalvis), Into the Fury(Kat Martin), Fighting Dirty(Lori Foster), Tiny Pretty Things(Sona Charaipotra & Dhonielle Clayton), The Better to See You(Kate Serine), Ink or Treat(Eliza Madison), Status Update(Annabeth Albert), & Breaking Through(Juliana Haygert) – finished Sweet Little Lies(loved) and Into the Fury(really enjoyed), also finished Fighting Dirty(enjoyed) and both Tiny Pretty Things(really enjoyed, but it was a bit disturbing, good, but dark) and The Better to See You(Loved) yesterday. I started Ink or Treat last night but only got through the first chapter before I decided to go to bed. I should be able to finish it and hopefully at least Status Update today.
  • Crochet: Round Coasters – I made 5 of these wp-1482070267129.jpg
  • A to Z Posts: Plot – I got through K last Sunday and didn’t make it any farther this week. Hopefully I’ll get more done over the next week.

A lot of blue, some green, and only a little red. Not too bad. This round ends on Thursday, but I’ll list my goals out for the whole week. Not sure if I’ll get my usual post up on Sunday as it is Christmas, so I may do it on Monday instead, or maybe just late Sunday after we’re home from my mom’s. I guess we’ll see. For now, here’s next week’s goals:

  • Write: 12500 words
  • Edit: Let It Begin – finish pre-revisions & start revisions
  • Plot: Loving the Devil – Plot summary & start Story Toolkit
  • Side Projects – add 2000 words
  • Listen: Winter
  • Read: Finish Ink or Treat(Eliza Madison), Status Update(Annabeth Albert), Breaking Through(Juliana Haygert), Night Watch(Suzanne Brockman), Touching Fate(Brenda Drake), The Family Simon(Juliana Stone), Going Deep(Cari Quinn), Serpentine(Cindy Pon), & Assassin’s Heart(Sarah Ahiers)
  • Crochet: Grumpy Octopus Coffee Cup Cozy
  • A to Z Posts: Plot

Comments on: "Sunday Summary: Almost Christmas" (4)

  1. Nice work this week!!! I really miss having snow days. I still had to go into work on Monday b/c the person who would normally cover for me was on vacation. It was not fun, but at least I got paid. 🙂

    Tiny Pretty Things was disturbing. It reminded me a bit of Black Swan, actually. There’s a sequel! Been meaning to pick it up.

  2. Yeah for some green and blue and only a little red. With the hectic holiday prep going on, it always surprises me how much others get done. Me? Not so much

    • Thanks. We don’t have to do a whole lot of prep besides putting the tree up(which I did get done yesterday) and wrapping presents(just about done there) and probably making cookies sometime this week.

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