Home of a mother, wife, writer

I was going to skip today’s stream of consciousness post. I didn’t wake up early like I usually do. Well, I did, but my head was hurting(stupid sinuses), so I went back to sleep until the kids got up about half an hour later. Then, we went to breakfast and got groceries. And on the way home we stopped at the fire station to help set up the social hall for the fire department’s award banquet tonight. Now, it’s almost noon. No fiction for me today. But, I figured I could at least write up a quick post, instead of falling out of the habit.

I already had today’s A-Z post written up and scheduled. And I have one more post to write, but that’s just sharing a small snippet, so it won’t take long to throw together. Then, this afternoon we have to take the kids to grandma’s then come back and get ready for the banquet. For the last couple years, my husband and a few other firefighters have done all the cooking for it. And then they don’t really get to sit down and enjoy an even that’s supposed to be for them. So, this year they actually got someone else to cater it. That will be nice. After the dinner & awards, the party starts. I don’t usually drink a lot, but I’ll probably be recovering tomorrow.

Now I’m off to get that other blog post done. I’m not usually running so late.

Comments on: "Stream of Consciousness Saturday: ‘No’" (2)

  1. Sounds exhausting, but the party sounds very nice. 🙂

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