Home of a mother, wife, writer

I missed my Monday post last week since we were without internet from Monday through Wednesday afternoon. So, some of these posts may be more than a week old.

First is from Jami Gold on When should we skip a scene. I always worry I’ll either include scenes that have no point, even though I like them or leave out important, character development ones.

And one from Roni Loren over on Huffington Post. She wrote about: Are Authors Scared to Write Diverse Books? I think this is one side of it for me. I don’t want to get anything wrong. And also, my hometown is decidedly non-diverse. And I’ve never gone far from that place. So, often my characters come to me from a small town, caucasian, middle class background. But, I need to try to stretch beyond that. And I do have the start of some more diverse characters.

I found this article about planning your novel with google maps interesting. Most of the towns my stories are set in are fictional. But, I try to base them on a real place. In my Flames series, it’s a small city set near Erie, Pa. And even though it’s the area I grew up in and still live, and I’ve gone to Erie plenty of times, I still had to use a map to figure out where certain things were. In my WiP The Choice I have it set in a very small town that is based on my hometown. But, I’ve used maps for it again.

Just this morning I read this post, Adjusting to a Summer Writing Schedule, by Elizabeth Spann Craig. I’ve been thinking about this myself lately. My daughter is done with school this Thursday. Even though I have my son home with me all day now, I know things will change when both of them are here. For one thing, he takes a lot less naps when she’s home. So, I’m going to have to find a way to work around it.

Also read this morning, a post by Ava Jae on why she’s grateful for 7 years of rejections.

Comments on: "Monday Mentions: Skipping Scenes, Plotting with Maps, & Summer Schedules" (5)

  1. I’m not sure I’ve ever popped by on a Monday before. Sure glad I did this week! =)

    Saving this, and planning on checking out some of these links, and sharing your post this weekend… =)

    I’ve begun diversifying my characters, as well. It’s challenging, but adds a delightful layering to the stories these characters inhabit.

    • Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find some good things in the links.

      Diversfying is good, even when it’s hard, or at least doesn’t come naturally. I am trying to work more diverse characters into my stories, and of course, even if they start as side characters, they end up becoming main characters in their own story. 🙂

  2. Thanks for the shout out to my blog! 🙂 I loved that post by Roni, and I’m excited to check out that one on Google Maps. Thanks for sharing!

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