Home of a mother, wife, writer

WeWriWa: “Ping”

Welcome back to another visit with the Weekend Writing Warriors, the blog hop for anyone who likes to write. Hurrying this morning. Woke up not feeling good, but we have a busy day, eye doctor appointments and grocery shopping and then the fire department award banquet this evening. Hoping the ickiness has gone away. Now, for more of Hawk. This picks up right where last week’s left off.

That thought was still running through my head as we took the final turn toward the bookshop, and Wraith’s voice snapped out through the headsets in our helmets. “Down! Get the fuck down!”

I didn’t even bother to question it, instantly following the order. It didn’t seem to matter how long I’d been out, I was still a Marine, good at taking orders. I laid low over the engine, hugging it as close as I could while still keeping my bike upright.

I heard the ping, and the reverberation as something hit my helmet. Just a rock, I told myself. One of the bikes had just kicked a rock up. It wouldn’t be the first time it or a bug had felt like more than that.

What did hit him? Is he going to be okay? I’ll have the rest of this scene next week.

Comments on: "WeWriWa: “Ping”" (10)

  1. Reading your WeWriWa posts inspired me to look into the blog hop myself! Since I enjoy your content and blogging style, I decided to nominate you for the Mystery Blogger Award! I would be thrilled if you would accept. 🙂 If not, this is simply my way of saying your blog is great. Here’s the link to my post if you are interested! https://neveridlydreaming.wordpress.com/2018/03/17/mystery-blogger-award/

  2. Probably not a rock, but surely a bullet would’ve done more than make a pinging sound. So what was it?

  3. I think he’s kidding himself. Obviously Wraith saw something ominous…I’m on the edge of my seat, really a great excerpt. Exciting!

  4. Leave us with a cliffhanger why don’t you? LOL 🙂 Very tense excerpt, can’t wait to find out what’s hit him.

  5. Diane Burton said:

    Each week, you ramp up the tension. What hit his helmet? I agree, it couldn’t be a bullet. That would’ve gone through. Great snippet.

  6. Yup, the ‘ping’ definitely wasn’t a rock. Good thing those Marine instincts stayed honed. Nice job, Fallon.

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