Home of a mother, wife, writer

Welcome back to another visit with the Weekend Writing Warriors, a blog hop for anyone who likes to write. I’m still sharing from Hawk’s story. This bit comes from a part I wrote for the Story a Day challenge in May using one of the prompts. I thought it would just be a silly little exercise, but it actually fit into the story and explained some things about Hawk and his dad. So, I kept it in there. Anyway, Hawk and Devil went to check on the old bookseller who took both of them in at one point, only to find the shop closed. So, they went to his house, and this picks up from there.

I saw a footprint in the dirt and jerked my gaze up toward the window. “Get down,” I shouted at Damon, lunging to the side just before the window shattered and something thudded into the wall behind me.

“What the hell?” Damon asked, staring at the bullet in the plaster of the wall.

I wondered the same thing. Except I was afraid I knew. But, I just couldn’t understand why. I didn’t think I’d ever run into my father again after he kicked me out. Or that he’d try to kill me. And actually put effort into it this time.

Was it really Hawk’s father shooting? Why would he do that? Will they get out of this mess? I have some of those answers already.

I also have Chapter 4 of Dance with the Devil up on Wattpad if you want to check that out.

Comments on: "WeWriWa: “Bullet in the Plaster”" (14)

  1. Wow, I did not see that coming! Excellent drama and action, Fallon.

  2. So many unanswered questions! Great snippet.

  3. Unexpected and highly dramatic – enjoyed the snippet!

  4. nancygideon said:

    Whoa! Happy Father’s Day! That was a surprise!

  5. Well, this is certainly a dramatic turn of events. Interesting choice for Father’s Day, perhaps?

    • I hadn’t really considered the fact it was Father’s day this weekend when I picked this snippet. Considering his dad literally kicked him out the door when Hawk told him he was gay, he wouldn’t exactly have called him on Father’s day anyway.

  6. I can see why you wanted to include this. Exciting, and raises a lot of questions!

  7. Karen Michelle Nutt said:

    Talk about family drama! Makes me curious to know more about this family.

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