Home of a mother, wife, writer

WeWriWa: “Not by Blood”

Welcome to the Post-Thanksgiving edition of Weekend Writing Warriors. Lots of turkey, mashed potatoes, and pie. But, now we’re back to words. Still sharing from Into the Sun. This week’s snippet picks up right where last week’s left off. 8 sentences. We’ve got Birdie, Icarus, and Cassie speaking in this scene.

   ”Dad,” Birdie said, using the term for the first time in nearly a month. “I know. It just…feels weird now.”
“If she’s yours, then they…”
“Not by blood,” he said. “Birdie and I don’t share that. Someone trusted me with her anyway. You didn’t even do that, Cassie.”

Going to have at least 2 more snippets to share from this section. Then, I may move on to the sequel, which I’m making progress on. Just passed 3500 words on it this morning.

Comments on: "WeWriWa: “Not by Blood”" (8)

  1. I find your choice of names interesting. Icarus implies mythology, and if Cassie is short for Cassandra, it does too. And then there’s Birdie, whom I imagined at first as a real bird…

    • Yes. Icarus isn’t his real name, but the myth is why he chose it, because of something Cassie said to him when they were younger.

  2. Ouch! Truth like that has to smart! Nicely done. I am learning so much by watching you work out the dynamics of these characters. Thank you.

  3. These characters are interesting, and especially their interrelationships. Great snippet.

  4. Definite ouch. That hurt me in my emotion place. Must go rebuild walls now. Thanks so much for sharing! 🙂

  5. […] from Into the Sun this week and at least one more week. I have 9 sentences that come directly after last week’s, and then there will be another 9 for next […]

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