Home of a mother, wife, writer

Had quite the weekend here. My MIL was able to get some tickets to Waldemeer, an amusement and water park around here. It seems though every weekend, we’re either busy or the weather isn’t nice enough to go. Well, finally this weekend we were able to. So, yesterday we fed the kids some lunch then headed up there, meeting my MIL at the park. Did some of the kiddie rides and rode the train around the park(which seemed to be my son’s favorite activity. He ended up going on it 3 times). Then, we went over to the water park. Spent probably close to 2 hours just in that part of the park. The kids wanted to do a couple more rides(actually, the girl didn’t want to leave the water park at all). They did that, then my MIL took them on another train ride while my husband and I went to ride one of the roller coasters, the Ravine Flyer II. Yeah, have I ever mentioned I’m not much of a roller coaster person. It’s been 10 years(my senior class trip to Cedar Point), since I’ve been on one. Just waiting in line, my stomach was in knots. But, I didn’t chicken out. And I didn’t scream. I may have been grinding my teeth to not scream, but I managed it. The ride only lasts about 65 seconds. After we left the park we went to eat at a local place and got some ice cream, then we had to do some shopping, groceries and my daughter’s birthday presents. Of course, since she was with us, I had to get a little sneaky. He took the kids while I grabbed the scooter she had told me she wanted, another little toy, a couple notebooks and colored pencils and took them out to the car before going to find them. Out of all those gifts, I imagine her favorite will be the notebooks. Sometimes she seems to be more my clone than my daughter. πŸ™‚

And even though we didn’t get home until about ten last night, well past the kids’ bedtime, they were both up by 6:30 this morning. We went to church, and went back up to the city to do some more shopping. Mostly because my husband needed to get some things for the fire department’s bingo on Friday night, but we needed some other things as well. So, it was another longer than planned day. But, it was a good weekend. Next weekend is the girl’s birthday and a picnic on Sunday, then a week after that, I think we’re going camping with my dad and stepmom. Then, it will be back to school(and then my boy’s birthday.)

Even among the busy, I’ve managed to get some things done.

  • Guarding the Heart – scene cardsΒ  – finished these.
  • Healing the Heart – read through – Done!
  • Read: Finish Soulstice and start Storm Rising(Kenneth Hoss) – finished Soulstice, but only got a little way into Storm Rising, and just…didn’t care. So, I set it aside. And picked up Gwynneth Ever After by Linda Poitevin. That I finished in less than 6 hours. And it made me cry(This was a good thing, was unsettled from all the social interaction last weekend, and felt like I needed a good cry all week). And it gave me an idea for a new story. Even though I planned on rewriting Guarding the Heart after I work on edits for Healing the Heart this month, I think I’ll be working on the new one. I have so many ideas and feel so excited about it. I may not even plot it to death. I also started Eyre House by Caitlin Greer. Only 15% through, mostly because I just haven’t had a chance to read this weekend.
  • Knit: Body of Soft Ribs sweater – I got the back done, but haven’t even started the front yet.
  • Crochet: Simple Earflap Hat – about halfway through the body of the hat. I did finally get the supplies needed to finish the monster family I was crocheting, so I’m probably going to finish those first then come back to this. It shouldn’t take too long now that I have the supplies.

Goals for next week:

  • The Choice(my new idea) – brainstorm characters/plot & start back stories
  • Healing the Heart: Edit through Chapter 8
  • Read: Finish Eyre House, Read Caught Up in You(Roni Loren) and The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer(Michelle Hodkin) before Lauren Garafalo yells at me again(kiddding! kidding!)
  • Knit: Soft Ribs Sweater -body
  • Crochet: Finish Monster Family and Simple Earflap Hat

Comments on: "Sunday Summary: Busy Fun Weekend" (5)

  1. Lauren Garafalo said:

    Hahaha πŸ˜€ Do I really yell?!? I’m so excited you’re going to start it! It’s a little different, but that’s why I LOVE it! And Noah, gah ❀ Em started it today too. Now we just gotta work on Lena lol.

    Great work with your goals! You're doing wonderfully especially with that busy week. Sounds like you guys had a nice time at the amusement park too! I lovvvve roller coasters even though they scare the crap out of me. I scream a lot πŸ˜€ But I bet you could have guessed that. Have a great week my dear!

  2. Great progress this week. I’m starting scene cards as well for a new project. This is really fun, in spite of all else that’s going on. Your time with family sounds great, though I appreciate that quiet time balanced throughout. The summer will be gone far too quickly, but memories like these will linger — and inspire! Write on!

    • It was nice, especially to see the kids having so much fun. I think since we’re constantly together, we get tired of each other. Change of scenery, even for a few hours, helps. Now, I need to recover before another busy social weekend(starting to think summer is my personal introvert’s nightmare. lol)

  3. although I personally dislike those kind of rides it did sound like a really fun day for the familuy – one that gets remembered later – and you still managed to get a lot done – maybe because of having the two days doing other stuff

    all the best for this coming week – hope the party goes well:)

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