Home of a mother, wife, writer

It’s that time again. Since Round 3 starts on Monday July 2, it’s time to start thinking about what I want to accomplish during this round. This time last year, I was making goals for my very first round.I once again have my goals categorized, but am keeping them fairly simple.


  • Finish the first draft of Slow Revenge by 8/10.

Since I seem to get the most of my writing done first thing in the morning, I’m setting aside that first hour of the day(sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less) and dedicating it to writing. No playing on Facebook, no checking email, just putting my butt in the chair and writing. Whether I get 100 words or 1000, it won’t matter. As long as I spend that time writing.


  • Read 1 chapter a day of Stained Snow to finish by 7/13 and make notes on changes to make.

This seems quick, but since there are only 10 chapters, it shouldn’t take long to read through.

  • Have edits finished by 7/31.
  • Start Guarding the Heart edits on 8/13
  • Finish Guarding the Heart edits by: 9/14


  • Decide on next story idea once Slow Revenge is finished
  • Plot out idea using snowflake method.
  • Be ready to start writing in September.


  • Read 12 novels(or 1 a week)
  • Read 1 craft book

So, there are my goals for this round. For me, this is keeping them simple. And some depend on getting the previous ones done on time. The deadlines may change, but I like to have that as a goal as it keeps me motivated.

Who else is doing this round of ROW80? what do your goals look like?

Comments on: "Writing Wednesday: ROW80 Round 3 Goals" (11)

  1. You have some great goals and I love the simplicity. I have learned to simplify over the past two rounds. And to accept that deadlines may change – Rowing is the challenge which acknowledges life’s unpredictability, after all. I thought we were supposed o put out our goals on the 2nd July? Well, I’ve just blogged about the vagina so mine will have to wait till then at least. See you during the round Fallon. Good luck. X

    • The official start date is July 2, but I usually do my writing posts on Wednesdays, so I decided to write up my goals then. I’ll link up to it on the start date though.

  2. Last time was my first and I might have bitten off more than I could chew. I’m keeping it simple this time. Good luck!

  3. “Whether I get 100 words or 1000, it wonโ€™t matter. As long as I spend that time writing.”

    That is a GREAT outlook to have about it. I’m currently doing Fast Draft (and so don’t have that luxury), but this is the outlook more people should have.

    Good luck to you this round!

    • Thanks! It’s making it less stressful for me, because even though I’d say I wouldn’t stress if I didn’t meet my word goal, of course I did. ๐Ÿ™‚ and with less stress, I can focus better and write more.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Wow, just how many projects do you have going on? ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck with all your goals. I’ve found that it’s liberating to change from a word count goal to a time goal. And I end up writing even more than I did when I had word count goals! LOL

    • I have 3, all in different stages. 1 in first draft, 1 ready to be revised, and 1 out to readers.
      Some days I’ve been doing good with words. Other days I don’t get as many. But, I haven’t been stressing about it like I was.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. So I like your goals, and I really like the title SLOW REVENGE. Now tell about the snowflake method. I know some writers who love it, but I’m curious how it works for you. It looks confusing to me. Hope you have a fabulous round! Welcome back to ROW80.

    • It really works for me. Basically start with a one line summary. Then, expand that to a paragraph, then each sentence from that into its own paragraph. Then, expand each of those paragraphs into their own page. I don’t do all of the steps(mostly the last couple) and I’ve adapted some of them to what works best for me.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Great list! It’s really nice that you’ve found your best writing time and you’re planning on putting it to good use. See you at the check-ins!

  7. Lauren Garafalo said:

    Lovely goals, Fallon! I decided to do weekly goals this time based on how I’ve seen you use them in the past, and I’m really excited about this round because of that. Holy moly…I bet you will be happy when one of the three projects is officially finished. Good luck with everything this round!

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